- Second Sunday of Advent
- Third Sunday of Advent- B
- Fourth Sunday of Advent-B
- Christmas Vigil Mass- B
- Christmas Midnight Mass- B
- Christmas Morning Mass – B
- Christmas Mas During the Day- B
- Feast of the Holy Family Year- B
- Feast of the Holy family Year- B
- Solemnity of Mary Mother of God- B
- The Baptism of the Lord – B
- Second Sunday of Ordinary Time -B
- Third Sunday of Ordinary Time-B
- Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time -B
- Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time -B
- Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time -B
- First Sunday of Lent – B
- Second Sunday of Lent -B
- Third Sunday of Lent -B
- Fourth Sunday of Lent -B
- Fifth Sunday of Lent -B
- Holy Week – Palm Sunday-B
- Holy Week – Chrism Mass -B
- Maundy Thursday- B
- Good Friday-B
- Easter Vigil -B
- Easter Day Mass- B
- Second Sunday of Easter – Divine Mercy-B
- Third Sunday of Easter -B
- Fourth Sunday of Easter- B
- Fifth Sunday of Easter-B
- Sixth Sunday of Easter -B
- The Ascension of the Lord- B
- Pentecost Sunday-B
- Trinity Sunday- B
- Corpus Christi- B
- Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time -B
- Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time-B
- Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time- B